Monday, October 18, 2010

Be your own hero

I saw the movie Whip It a few weeks ago. Loved it, but that is besides the point. One quote really stood out for me. It was when the main character, Bliss, is at the rollar derby. She approaches a team and tells them that they are her new heros. The reply is "Put some skates on. Be your own hero".


Ever since then, that line, be your own hero, has stuck with me.

I used to read healthy living blogs because I admired these women. I thought they were awesome and strong. They were my heros. But I realised that reading these blogs was fine, but having these heros wasn't. So I put on my own running shoes with a mission to be my own hero. And it has worked! I'm not saying that I don't admire these women. I do. I still read their blogs everyday. But now I read the blogs for inspiration and tips on how I could do things differently. I am now my own hero. I run. I eat (mainly) healthy. I have my own blog and maybe one day I will inspire someone like these women have inspired me.

For now I am content being my own hero.